I have a dataset which has multiple columns and multiple values for each column. What I want is to have the count of each value from each column grouped by a groupID


 GroupId | C1            |    C2
      1  | "valColOne1"  | "valColTwo2"
      2  |  "valColOne1" | "valColTwo2"
      2  |  "valColOne1" | "valColTwo2"
      2  |  "valColOne2" | "valColTwo1"
      1  |  "valColOne1" | "valColTwo1"

And the result should be

    GroupId | valColOne1 | valColOne2 | valColTwo1 | valColTwo2
         1  |    2       |     0      |    1       |  1
         2  |    2       |     1      |    1       |  2

To mention that all values in the intial table will be strings.

  • 1
    using dplyr/tidyr, group_by, do(table), spread might do.
    – Khashaa
    Mar 30, 2015 at 15:19
  • @Khashaa thanks. Can you expand a little on that. Im not a real expert on R so any further explanation would be helpful.
    – coredump
    Mar 30, 2015 at 15:24
  • You already have a couple of nice answers:)
    – Khashaa
    Mar 30, 2015 at 15:29

2 Answers 2


Take your original data frame (which I've called dat) and melt it into long format. Then use dcast to count the number of occurrences of each value.


dat.m = melt(dat, id.var="GroupId")

dcast(dat.m, GroupId ~ value)

  GroupId   valColOne1    valColOne2   valColTwo1  valColTwo2
1       1             2             0           1           1
2       2             2             1           1           2

It's easiest to see what each function does if you run them and look at the intermediate results. For some examples, see here and here.

  • Great! Can you explain what each function does ? never used reshape before.
    – coredump
    Mar 30, 2015 at 15:27
  • Also really nice package. wouldn't thought there would be such a easy way to do this :)
    – coredump
    Mar 30, 2015 at 15:32

You could use table from base R

table(data.frame(GroupId= df1$GroupId, Val=unlist(df1[-1])))
#         Val
# GroupId valColOne1 valColOne2 valColTwo1 valColTwo2
#  1          2          0          1          1
#  2          2          1          1          2


df1 <- structure(list(GroupId = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 1), C1 = c("valColOne1", 
"valColOne1", "valColOne1", "valColOne2", "valColOne1"), 
C2 =   c("valColTwo2", 
"valColTwo2", "valColTwo2", "valColTwo1", "valColTwo1")),
.Names =  c("GroupId", 
"C1", "C2"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

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