I have 72x7 double called P like this:

1 45 2  61 7 1 11  
1 32 6  23 64 1 32  
2 55 32 25 90 3 24  
2 45 6  6 16 3 1  
2 45 4  17 20 3 1  
3 87 24 43 71 3 41  
5 64 8  66 75 98 1  

Two columns I'm interested in are 1 and 6. Let's call a value in column 1 m and a value in column 6 n. m ranges from 1-6 and n ranges from 1 to either 3 or 4. I would like to count how many rows that has a specific combination of m and n. Let's call this value x. For instance, in this example if m=1 and n=1, x would be 2 since there are two rows where m=1 AND n=1 (row 1 and 2). If m=2 AND n=3, x would be 3 (row 3, 4, and 5). I intend to do a loop, something like this:

for m=1:6
   for n=1:a % a could be either 3 or 4
   x = (operation done here)

I tried both numel and unique functions but neither gave me the right answer. Could someone help me?



2 Answers 2


One approach -

%// Get columns 1 and 6 from input matrix, P
P16 = P(:,[1 6])

%// Get unique row combinations and their IDs
[unqrows,~,idx] = unique(P16,'rows')

%// Get the counts for each combination
counts = accumarray(idx(:),1) %// Or histc(idx,1:max(idx))

%// Present the output
out = [unqrows counts]

Thus, with P as -

P = [1 45 2  61 7 1 11
    1 32 6  23 64 1 32
    2 55 32 25 90 3 24
    2 45 6  6 16 3 1
    2 45 4  17 20 3 1 ]

we would have the output as -

out =
     1     1     2
     2     3     3

So, in the output, the first column represents m, the second one would be n and the final column would be the expected counts.

  • I was about to write a solution.... and this is pretty much what I would have done. Bah lol. +1.
    – rayryeng
    Apr 10, 2015 at 18:03
  • @rayryeng I am sorry, as it turns out accumarray is fun too! :)
    – Divakar
    Apr 10, 2015 at 18:04
  • It's one of my favourite functions to use in MATLAB! Some of my favourite answers use it :)
    – rayryeng
    Apr 10, 2015 at 18:06
  • Nice! As usual, there's a similar approach based on sparse and find (instead of accumarray and unique)
    – Luis Mendo
    Apr 10, 2015 at 19:24

Assuming positive integer values, this uses sparse to produce the desired result. The output format is as in Divakar's answer:

[ii, jj, kk] = find(sparse(P(:,1), P(:,6), 1));
result = [ii jj kk];
  • 1
    Nice! Interesting, we are seeing lots of these kinds recently on SO.
    – Divakar
    Apr 10, 2015 at 19:49
  • @Divakar Certainly! I had a deja vu feeling while answering this :-)
    – Luis Mendo
    Apr 10, 2015 at 20:50

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