In my application we have a scroll view in that we added CheckBox, ComboBox and SingleLineText elements. Each has separate class which extends CheckBox,ComboBox and EditText correspondingly.

In the SingleLineText we implemented OnFocusChangeListener() and override onFocusChange() method. If focus is in first SingleLineText and touch on the second SingleLineText then focus has changed. But if focus is in SingleLineText and touch on any check box or comboBox still focus(cursor) is in SingleLineText only. Because of that onFocusChange() method has not been called.

Can anybody has any idea about this problem?

  • 1
    Please add some code where you are trying to implement described functionality. Apr 24, 2015 at 11:37

3 Answers 3


call yourEditText.clearFocus(); on other components like CheckBox, ComboBox click event method this will force to call your onFocusChange() method


Use this for your activity in manifest file



Make sure you remove focus from EditText by calling the following lines of code.


and call


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