I'm using jersey 2.17 on tomcat 8, and I'm having a problem with what I think should be a very straightforward and common use case.

I have various beans defined in a spring XML file. I've now annotated one of them to expose some methods as rest APIs. This is a singleton bean, with a reference to another bean injected in the spring XML configuration.

My rest APIs are working, but the problem is that every time one is invoked a new instance of the bean class is created, and my bean reference is null. My understanding is that this is because jersey is managing the lifecycle instead of spring, and I need SpringComponentProvider, which will then provide the singleton.

I included jersey-spring3-2.17.jar in my application, and I specified the spring package in the servlet configuration in web.xml, as follows:

        <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>

I know that the jersey.config.server.provider.packages parameter is being picked up because the annotated class in my.rest.package gets found, but the SpringComponentProvider is apparently not being registered, because I'm still getting a new instance of my bean every time.

I tried specifying the class explicitly like this:


That didn't change the behavior either.

Any insights or debugging suggestions appreciated.

UPDATE: I realized that the version of my spring jars was behind the version expected by my jersey jars, and I think that's the problem. Once I'm able to update spring, if that fixes it I'll close this.

2 Answers 2


Jersey will create a new instance on each call regardless if you have an XML bean of the same class as singleton in spring context:


Also see this response on how to change that behavior:


Within your Jersey Resource class, since you already added the jersey-spring dependency, you can simply add the @Autowire annotation on your member variable that you say is injected via XML file in spring. This will spring-inject the dependency when Jersey instantiates the resource on each request.

Hope this helps.

  • Autowire does solve the injection problem, but I have a resource that does need to be singleton, and Singleton did not fix it. However your answer did lead me down another line of thought and I found the solution.
    – Dana
    Aug 7, 2015 at 1:23

When I finally was able to update my spring, it turned out that was not the issue. I had to add @Component as well as @Singleton to my resource in order for jersey to recognize it as a spring-managed singleton. This problem would never have arisen if I was using annotations for spring; it happened because I was using XML to create the spring beans.

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