Could someone write me how to make a new line in error message in RegexpValidator in Vaadin?

I have method:

public TextField addPhoneNumberField(String value, String location, boolean readOnly) {
    final String PATTERN = "^[0][0-9\\s]*$";
    final RegexpValidator validator = new RegexpValidator(PATTERN, 
    "Phone number is not valid. Only numbers are allowed. Phone number must begin with zero");

I need have each sentence in new line. I tried to put there \n, \r\n, <br/>, but nothing is working.

Is it possible?

1 Answer 1


Simplest way (without extending Vaadin's client component VErrorMessage) is to use preformated text and use CSS rule for it.

For new line in java use: \n

And add style rule in used style.css file (example for all tooltip error messages):

.v-tooltip .v-errormessage {
    white-space: pre;

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