I need to export a list of all orders between dates X & Y that shows the following:

Order ID
State Shipping
Zip Shipped
Sales Tax Collected

Is there an easy query I can run to pull this information from the orders table?

The current X is January 1, 2015; the current Y is March 31, 2015.

I really only need orders shipped TO California (the only state we charge tax), but can filter this out through sorting the exported CSV list later.

Thank you!

2 Answers 2


You need two tables to get your data, here is the SQL :

SELECT a.increment_id AS 'Order ID', b.region AS 'State Shipping', b.postcode AS 'Zip Shipped', a.base_tax_amount AS 'Sales Tax Collected'
FROM sales_flat_order a
JOIN sales_flat_order_address b
ON a.entity_id = b.parent_id
WHERE a.created_at >= '2015-01-01 00:00:00' AND a.created_at <= '2015-03-31 23:59:59'
GROUP BY a.entity_id

few things need be care:

  • tax in sales_flat_order table has many fields, I am not sure this is what you looking for
  • the create_at value you might want to change. In my case, my Magento order created time value is faster 11 hours than my computer time, maybe the timezone issue.
  • the 'GROUP BY' is for get rid of duplicate rows after select the data from two tables.

Below query will help you:- You can implement where clause as per your requirement.

SELECT increment_id AS `Order Id` , address.region AS `state` , address.postcode AS `zipcode` , order.base_subtotal_incl_tax AS `tax` FROM sales_flat_order `order` JOIN sales_flat_order_address `address` ON order.entity_id = address.parent_id
  • I ran the query and saw you included "order.base_subtotal_incl_tax AS tax FROM sales_flat_order" -- I only need to get the tax, not base including tax. How can I switch this out to get the proper amounts? -- Also, I'm a SQL noob, I can export the list and remove order IDs outside of my required date range, but could you explain adding the "where" clause?
    – Steven J
    Apr 28, 2015 at 17:45

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