I have a page (Bootstrap 3) that opens a modal. There are groups of Collapse panels (accordions) on the modal. I would like to have the page scrollTop when the collapse headers are clicked open. Javascript that has been tried (using ScrollTo plugin for this sample):

$('.panel').on('shown.bs.collapse', function () {
   var panel = $(this).find('.in');
   var mtop = $(this).closest('.modal.in');
   $.scrollTo(mtop.offset().top-25, 350);

The window behind the modal will scrollTop. Through the console I can get the modal to scrollTop a certain number of pixels. Just can't seem to figure out how to target the collapse that is opened. Any help/ideas appreciated.

  • Please relook at this line: $.scrollTo(mtop.offset().top-25, 350); May 1, 2015 at 21:12
  • Create a Jsfiddle if possible also, buddy. May 1, 2015 at 21:12
  • OK, I've made a simplified fiddle for this. I changed the javascript a bit, but tries to accomplish the same thing generally. jsfiddle.net/jhottle/2z4ncp4u May 1, 2015 at 21:39


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