My question is concerning an idea I had, where I could check if an image has already been uploaded by comparing their base64-encoded strings...

Example use-case would be to find duplicates in your database...

The operation would be pretty big i guess - first converting the image to base64and then using something like "strcmp()" to compare..

Not sure if this would make a lot of sense but what do you think of the idea?

Would it be too big of an operation? How accurate would it be? Does the idea make any sense?


2 Answers 2


Here's a function that can help you compare files faster.

Aside from checking an obvious thing like file size, you can play more with comparing binary chunks.
For example, check the last n bytes as well as a chunk of a random offset.

I used checksum comparison as a last resort.

When optimizing check order, you can also take into account if you are generally expecting files to be different or not.

function areEqual($firstPath, $secondPath, $chunkSize = 500){

    // First check if file are not the same size as the fastest method
    if(filesize($firstPath) !== filesize($secondPath)){
        return false;

    // Compare the first ${chunkSize} bytes
    // This is fast and binary files will most likely be different 
    $fp1 = fopen($firstPath, 'r');
    $fp2 = fopen($secondPath, 'r');
    $chunksAreEqual = fread($fp1, $chunkSize) == fread($fp2, $chunkSize);

        return false;

    // Compare hashes
    // SHA1 calculates a bit faster than MD5
    $firstChecksum = sha1_file($firstPath);
    $secondChecksum = sha1_file($secondPath);
    if($firstChecksum != $secondChecksum){
        return false;

    return true;
  • I like the idea! :) Thank you for the function!
    – der-lukas
    May 9, 2015 at 6:17

If I would do something like this I would use md5 hash instead of base64_encode.

$equal = ( md5($image1) == md5($image2)) ? true : false;
  • Hm, could you explain why?
    – der-lukas
    May 7, 2015 at 17:09
  • Probably md5_file() May 7, 2015 at 17:16
  • Several megabytes encoded image will be quite big string to compare. md5_file will be faster. If it is stored in database, its a little bit more complicated, but I think it still will be faster. I havent checked so the best solution will be to try them both and see which one performs better.
    – gotha
    May 7, 2015 at 17:16
  • This worked well for comparing byte arrays (not base64 string) Oct 8, 2019 at 4:11

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