You can see my code below. I face a challenge that I don't know how to use one button to correspond different click. On the php, if I put the button inside the foreach loop, it will create a lot of button, that's not what I want. In the js, if I put the on.click button inside the foreach elements loop, it will also create a lot of on.click button, so I click one button, it will run many times depends on the number of label_name. I think about addClass, if I clicked the heart div, I use js to add a class, and then get the attr('id') inside button.on.(click), so I can differentiate them in my server php and mysql can request the correspond data. But the problem is that if a user click every div, then every div add classes, then problem again.

var current_page = 1;

var elements_body = {
    "heart": "1",
    "eye": "2",
    "ear_nose_throat": "3",
    "hand_foot_mouth": "4"
jQuery.each(elements_body, function (label_name, label_num) {
    var disease_label = $('#' + label_name + '_d');

    disease_label.on('click', function () {

        var data = {
            action: 'body_part_keyword', //wordpress loading url
            postSearchNonce: MyAjaxSearch.postSearchNonce,
            current_page: current_page,
            label_name: label_name //this label_name will differentiate data that need to request from mysql in the action.php 
            url: MyAjaxSearch.ajaxurl,
            type: 'POST',
            cache: false,
            data: data,
            success: function (data) {


        }); //ajax

}); //jQuery.each

$('#loadmorebutton_body').on('click', function () {
    //I dont know how can I make this button to correspond above code

<div id="disease_menu">

        $arr = Array(
            'ear_nose_throat'=>'ear nose throat',
            'hand_foot_mouth'=>'hand foot mouth'

        foreach ($arr as $key=>$value) {
    <div class="disease_li" id="disease_li_<?php echo $key;?>">
        <span class="disease_span" id="<?php echo $key;?>_d"><label>(<?php echo $value;?>)</label>diseases</span>

    <?php }?>

<button id="loadmorebutton_body">Load More</button>

1 Answer 1


Use javascript functions :

function MyFunction() {
    jQuery.each( elements_body, function( label_name, label_num) {
        var disease_label= $('#'+ label_name + '_d'); 
        var data={ 
                        action: 'body_part_keyword',//wordpress loading url
                    postSearchNonce : MyAjaxSearch.postSearchNonce,
                     label_name:label_name//this label_name will differentiate data that need to request from mysql in the action.php 
            url: MyAjaxSearch.ajaxurl,
            cache: false,
            data: data,
         success: function(data){



  • it run a lot of times.
    – conan
    May 8, 2015 at 7:04

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