I have 2 table invm and invt

invm has

i_b_no , i_b_dt , freight , tot_amt
1001 , 04/01/2015, 805 , 5000
1002 , 04/01/2015, 205 , 300

invt has

i_b_no , item_code, item_desc , stax_rate , amount
 1001 , xyz     , adlasjdlja,  12.5, 1000
 1001  , abc     , dfjsdffsdf,  12.5, 1000
 1001  , lkm     , sfkgsfksdn,  10.5, 1000
 1001  , rmn     , yeryoueoqe,  5.00, 1000
 1001  , the     , qwelskjfsdf,  12.5, 1000
1002   , dad     , sdfkdsffsdf , 10.0, 100
1002   , dekw    , kdasdahdafa , 3.2 , 100
1002    , dasdna , kdfnasldakdf, 6.8 , 100

now I want sum ( (freight) * max(staxrate) /100 )

which is (805* 12.5)/100 = 1006.25 (205 * 10)/100 = 20.5

ans should be 1026.75

I used

select sum (( sum (INVM.FREIGHT ) *  MAX (INVT.STAX_RATE) /100 ))
from invm inner join INVT on INVM.I_B_NO = INVT.I_B_NO 
invm.i_b_dt between '04/01/2015 00:00:00' and '04/01/2015 00:00:00' 
group by INVM.FREIGHT 

gives me error

Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery


i am stucked in this please help


1 Answer 1


Do the JOIN in a derived table with the GROUP BY and MAX:

select sum (FREIGHT * STAX_RATE / 100)
      from invm inner join INVT on INVM.I_B_NO = INVT.I_B_NO
      where invm.i_b_dt between '04/01/2015 00:00:00' and '04/01/2015 00:00:00'
      group by INVM.FREIGHT)
  • hey thanks buddy the secound querry worked for me sorry i can't give + point to u as i am new bee :( May 15, 2015 at 7:23

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