ive been trying to do some research but I cant seem to find the specific answer for this..

I have the following HTML

<div class="collapsingHeader">
    <div class="listItemWrapper">
        <div class="itemWrapper">
            <div class="itemImage"></div>
            <div class="itemLabel"></div>
        <div class="itemWrapper">
            <div class="itemImage"></div>
            <div class="itemLabel"></div>
<div class="collapsingHeader">
    <div class="listItemWrapper">        
        <div class="itemWrapper">
            <div class="itemImage"></div>
            <div class="itemLabel"></div>
        <div class="itemWrapper">
            <div class="itemImage"></div>
            <div class="itemLabel"></div>

Now, as you can see, i have 2 collapsingHeaders, each with a listItemWrapper, which contains 2 itemWrapper, which each contain an image and a label.

I am using javascript to, when clicking on a 'collapsingHeader' class, to hide the .next element (which is the listItemWrapper container below it).

The problem I am having here, is that there is a slight bad animation when the itemImage collapses/hides with the container. So I am looking to further, when the listItemWrapper container is toggled to show/hide, to further target the 2 child itemImage classes and set their display:none.

So my thinking was something like, when the use clicks on a collapsingHeader class to..


and then updating the css/class of each. But the above code isnt working as expected, and I think Im not using it correctly..

any ideas how to target certain child elements (deep) within a container div?


  • 1
    use $(this).children('.itemImage').hide() or $(this).find('.itemImage').hide() May 28, 2015 at 7:48

2 Answers 2


Using jQuery find() you can find any element (based on type, class or id) within the $(this) element:

Simply change:



  • 3
    Thank you very much Friendly Crook, your answer is spot on right. :) Unfortunately could only mark 1 as the answer. >.<
    – Simon
    May 28, 2015 at 12:07

use below code . to find children you don't need to use next(). use find()




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