I've been learning Processing using a book called the Nature of Code with an online editor, but I'd like to develop locally for various reasons.

My operating system is 64-bit Arch Linux with the i3 window manager serving as my primary desktop environment -- here's what I've tried so far:

  • Both 2.x and 3.x stable releases, plus unstable (latest) versions
  • OpenJDK-jre, OpenJDK-jdk, JRE Oracle & JDK Oracle for Java 7/8 (tested using ./processing --no-embed after the embedded versions didn't seem to be working)
  • adding for_window [instance="sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer"] floating enable to .i3/config
  • installing wmnamehttp://tools.suckless.org/wmname and following instructions verbatim
  • building i3-quickswitch with python ./setup.py install (activating start sketch yields no errors and Processing's logs seem to indicate everything is working fine, but i3-quickswitch shows no additional windows popping up.

I'm not sure which notifications in my i3-log are relevant to these problems, but you can take a look here to see if any certain fix is indicated. I've narrowed it as much I could; it looks like i3 may be treating the window as a "docked" window, which I assume is separate from a dialog window and treated differently.

Thanks for any fixes, sugesstions and advice! I appreciate your time.

2 Answers 2


Have you tried the official Arch Linux package for Processing?

  • Yes, I did. It ended up being a problem with i3-wm. I solved it by adding for_window [instance="sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer"] floating enable for_window [instance="sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer"] floating enable to my ~/.i3/config file. Sep 15, 2015 at 21:48

In the end, I was able to fix the problem by adding the following code to my ~/.i3/config file:

for_window [instance="sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer"] floating enable for_window [instance="sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer"] floating enable

I got it working using the Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14) and i3 version 4.10.3 with Processing Version 2.2.1.

NOTE: I'm not absolutely sure the sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer is needed for this fix, but it is definitely helpful with other Java programs.

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