In SQL systems other than Postgres, such as MySQL for instance, prepared statements can use question marks ? as a placeholder for data in prepared statements.

INSERT INTO foo (id, name) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?);

However, in Postgres the only available placeholders seem to be the numbered placeholders, so the above INSERT statement for Postgres would look like:

INSERT INTO foo (id, name) VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4);

The problem with this syntax arises when I try to insert a large number of rows in one statement, for a 10,000 rows and 10 columns, I'd have to have placeholders ranging from $1 to $100,000 which leads to 3-4 fold increase in query size.

Does Postgres support any kinds of unnumbered and unnamed placeholders for prepared statement?


I am using prepared statements as they allow for defense against SQL Injections. So my objective is to keep my bulk inserts as fast as possible while keeping the insert process safe.

  • Create a prepared statement just once, using $1 and $2, and execute it many times. Jun 22, 2015 at 9:33
  • Why is query statement size a problem? Jun 22, 2015 at 12:16
  • @FrankHeikens executing a prepared statement multiple times does not seem to have the advantage of faster bulk insertion that an INSERT statement with multiple rows offers. Jun 22, 2015 at 12:41
  • 1
    Prepared statements are made for better performance, unless you commit after every statement. Start a transactions, create a prepared statement, execute many times, commit. That's it. Safe and fast. Jun 22, 2015 at 13:01
  • 1
    @FrankHeikens transactions did make multiple executions quite fast Jun 22, 2015 at 17:49

1 Answer 1


Prepared statements are used to speed up the repeated execution of the same query with different arguments. If your aim is to insert many rows at once it is better to execute regular insert query, which will be faster than the prepared insert. However, if you insisted on this solution, you could use arrays as arguments of prepared statement. Example:

create table foo(id int, val text);

prepare insert_into_foo (int[], text[]) as 
    insert into foo 
    select unnest(a), unnest(b)
    from (values ($1, $2)) v(a, b);

execute insert_into_foo (array[1,2,3], array['a','b','c']);
execute insert_into_foo (array[4,5,6,7], array['d','e','f','g']);

deallocate insert_into_foo; 

The main disadvantage of this trick is that you need to be very careful to put the same number of arguments in the arrays. Any mistake could be painful. Therefore I would suggest to use it with a fuse:

prepare insert_into_foo (int[], text[]) as 
    insert into foo 
    select unnest(a), unnest(b)
    from (values ($1, $2)) v(a, b)
    where array_length(a, 1) = array_length(b, 1); -- fuse

execute insert_into_foo (array[1,2], array['a','b','c']); -- does nothing
  • Aren't prepared statements also useful against SQL Injections? That is why I am using them for inserts. Edit: stackoverflow.com/questions/8263371/… Jun 22, 2015 at 12:36
  • Yes, they are. There are many effective methods of defense against SQL injections, not necessarily at the expense of performance. I have edited the answer to be less assertive ;)
    – klin
    Jun 22, 2015 at 12:44
  • This solution is extremely efficient. More efficient than many, many other solutions that I tested. This is probably due to the fact that it's only one query, query that's small in size, and rest that application is sending to the Postgres server is just row data. The other solutions I'm comparing it with involved multiple numerous queries (batched multiple inserts) or large-in-size queries (large and few multiple inserts), but this solution just simply shines out. Jun 22, 2015 at 17:20

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