If you try to combine stacked series with a flag series there is an odd behaviour where only the flag series gets drawn. If you toggle it in the legend everything gets drawn properly.


$("#container").highcharts({plotOptions: {series: {stacking: "normal"}}, ...});

What configuration am I missing to make this behave properly?

1 Answer 1


There is a bug in Highstock, where setting plotOptions.series.stacking will set the same for flags. Of course, stacking won't work for flags since those don't have values. In other words, workaround is to set stacking = false for flags:

        "stacking": false,  // disable stacking
        "show_in_legend": false,
        "name": "Flags",
        "type": "flags",
        "data": [{
            "x": 1432215000000.0,
            "title": "AM"
        }, {
            "x": 1432229400000.0,
            "title": "Midday"
        }, {
            "x": 1432245600000.0,
            "title": "Peak Hour"
        }, {
            "x": 1432247400000.0,
            "title": "Rolling, PM"

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/x9gaca75/1/

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