I need to insert value into a column of a table based up on data from other tables. Example Data :

   Table ccdocs

    ID   index    reference     Location_id

    1    001       ABCD            
    2    001A      EFGH           
    3    002       NULL             
    4    003       NULL         

   Table: cclvig

   index   reference    Location

    001      ABCD       VMC     
    001A     EFGH       VMC_TOP    
    002      NULL       ICF      
    003      NULL       VMC

   Table : doc_location

  loc_id          Lctn

   1            VMC
   2            VMC_TOP
   3            ICF

All records of ccdocs are copied from cclvig through query. Now I have to insert location id into ccdocs depending on value from cclvig column "location". Table doc_location have location id. I tried update query with select statement.. but its returning multiple values.. please help..

  • 1
    gives us query that returns multiple values and the value you want to get
    – Vao Tsun
    Jul 8, 2015 at 6:08
  • Thanku for ur response. :) i want '1' as data under location_id column of ccdocs for records with index number 001 and 003. This is what i mean..
    – Revathy
    Jul 8, 2015 at 6:12

2 Answers 2

UPDATE ccdocs d
SET location_id = loc.loc_id
FROM doc_location loc
JOIN cclvig c ON c.location = loc.lctn
WHERE d.index = c.index;

In an UPDATE you can specify a query where to get new values from. This query is amlost idential to a regular SELECT statement (with restrictions on allowed clauses), but instead of the actual SELECT column list you have the UPDATE table SET column = phrase.


try below query

update ccdocs set Location_id=loc.loc_id

  select a.index,b.loc_id from  cclvig a inner join  doc_location on 
on ccdocs.index=loc.index

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