I want to make a function to save dataframe, so I coded as below:

write.table(x, file=paste(x,"csv", sep="."))
write.table(x, file=paste(x,"txt", sep="."))

but I got errors:


Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : invalid 'description' argument In addition: Warning message: In if (file == "") file <- stdout() else if (is.character(file)) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

what's wrong?

1 Answer 1


Your filename is not a character string, it looks like your filename is an attempt to paste an entire dataframe as a string along with 'csv' (the paste(x, 'csv', ...). This is because x is a dataframe, not a string, so R is complaining because it is not sure how to convert an entire dataframe to a single string.

If you want to save the file as 'x.csv' just do file="x.csv".

If you want the user to be able to specify the filename you could do:

 save<-function(x, fname)
write.table(x, file=paste(fname,"csv", sep="."))
write.table(x, file=paste(fname,"txt", sep="."))
save(summary1, "summary") # saved as summary.csv

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