So I have this DOM structure for a news feed

<div class="content">
    <div class="row">
        <h2 class="date">01 July 2015</h2>
        <div class="thumbnail">
            <img src="somesource">
        <div class="description">
            <a href="#link">link</a>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A id vero rerum consectetur itaque ex saepe quia nam quam est!

//duplicated 5 times

I want to move the link before the h2.date and my jQuery code goes like this:

$('.content .row .description').each(function() {
    var hrefs = $('a', this);
    hrefs.insertBefore('.content .row h2.date');

Instead of getting it's link only, it keeps dumping all of the links from the other news also:

<div class="content">
    <div class="row">
        <a href="#link">link</a>
        <a href="#link2">link from news 2</a>
        <a href="#link3">link from news 3</a>
        <a href="#link4">link from news 4</a>
        <a href="#link5">link from news 5</a>
        <h2 class="date">01 July 2015</h2>
        <div class="thumbnail">
            <img src="somesource">
        <div class="description">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A id vero rerum consectetur itaque ex saepe quia nam quam est!

Any idea how to fix this?

1 Answer 1


Your .insertBefore() selector has no context, so your elements are inserted into the first element matching your selector:

$('.content .row .description').each(function() {
    var hrefs = $('a', this),
        $target = $(this).closest('.content').find('.row h2.date');


Or, avoid having to traverse up the DOM tree, by looping .content instead:

$('.content').each(function() {
    var $this = $(this),
        $href = $this.find('a'),
        $target = $this.find('.row h2.date');


  • 1
    was just starting an answer to suggest looping over outer elements also. Makes the most sense to me also
    – charlietfl
    Jul 19, 2015 at 20:49
  • hmmm, still not working.It still returning the bunch of links before the h2 from the other news. Anyway here's the actual link of the site, you might wanna see what's happening: fas.srmconsultancy.org The section below the "view all news" button. These are fetched content from an external site so i need to re-arranged the markup for me to be able to style it easily. Jul 20, 2015 at 7:33
  • @George , alright here you go: for the 1st one: jsfiddle.net/0gpfgdb4 for the 2nd one: jsfiddle.net/rd9keLn4 Jul 20, 2015 at 18:15
  • @George , thanks for your help i think i got it to work. There's no problem with the solution you've given. My problem is with the scoping of my selector. The .description class is causing the trouble so i need to remove it. Thanks for the help of jQuery facebook group too (Kim). Jul 20, 2015 at 18:29

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