I have the following controller action:

def index
    @companies = Company.order(:name).includes(:team_members, :user)

    if params[:search].present?
      @companies = @companies.where('name ilike ?', "%#{params['search']}%")

and respective rspec test:

before :each do
  allow(Company).to receive(:where)

  get :index, search: 'search_query'

it 'filters the companies by the search parameter' do
  expect(Company).to have_received(:where).with('name ilike "%search_query%"')

However rspec is not detecting that the "where" method is being called on the Company class. I am getting the following error:

1) CompaniesController GET #index when search parameter is given filters the companies by the search parameter
     Failure/Error: expect(Company).to have_received(:where).with('name ilike "%search_query%"')
       (Company(id: integer, name: string, description: text, season: string, iac_rating: float, funding_history: text, smart_scores: float, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, logo: string, website: string, summary: text, pitch_deck: string, executive_summary: string, unique_factor: text, revenue_burn_rate: text, growth: text, category: string, typical_check_size: string, raising_amount: string, committed_amount: string, hq_location: string, sector: string, num_full_time_founders: string, user_id: integer, display_order: integer) (class)).where("name ilike \"%search_query%\"")
           expected: 1 time with arguments: ("name ilike \"%search_query%\"")
           received: 0 times

What is the proper way to test this? Thanks!

1 Answer 1


It's @companies and not Company what's receiving :where.
In your test code you have to show how the mocks descend from Company in the same way @companies descend from Company in the real code. This is necessary to have RSpec match @companies with its respective mock, @companies_mock.

  before :each do
    @companies_mock = double('Company')
    @intermediate_mock = double('Company')

    allow(Company).to receive(:order).and_return @intermediate_mock
    allow(@intermediate_mock).to receive(:includes).and_return @companies_mock

    allow(@companies_mock).to receive(:where)

    get :index, search: 'search_query'

  it 'filters the companies by the search parameter' do
    expect(@companies_mock).to have_received(:where).with('name ilike ?', "%search_query%")

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