So when given two lists, how do I remove elements in one list from another using only map, filter or foldr? I can't use explicit recursion or lambda either.

The lists consist of only numbers that are sorted in ascending order.

For example, if given (list 1 2 3) and (list 1 3 5), I want to remove all of the second list's elements from the first list. The output I want is (list 2). If given (list 4 5 6) and (list 2 3 5), I would get (list 4 6).

I'm guessing the final code would be something like:

(define (fn-name list-one list-two)
    (filter ... list-one))


  • 2
    Odd requirements. Is it an exercise? If so can you show where it is from (that makes it easier to understand the context).
    – soegaard
    Jul 25, 2015 at 20:19
  • There's also function for that in srfi/1 called lset-difference, for those who don't want to write this function.
    – frayser
    May 27, 2023 at 2:23

2 Answers 2


Given that you're using Racket, we can write a simple solution in terms of some of the built-in abstract list functions and without using explicit lambdas, we only need a little help from SRFI-26. Try this:

(require srfi/26)

(define (difference lst1 lst2)
  (filter-not (cut member <> lst2) lst1))

It works as expected:

(difference (list 1 2 3) (list 1 3 5))
=> '(2)

(difference (list 4 5 6) (list 2 3 5))
=> '(4 6)

You use filter, but you have to curry and invert member so you cannot do it without lambda.

(define (remove-elements needles haystack)
  (filter (lambda (x) (not (member ...))) 

(define (remove-elements needles haystack)
  (define (not-in-needles x)
    (not (member ...)))

  (filter not-in-needles haystack))

Both of these use lambda twice! Once for the define of remove-elements and once explicit / in not-in-needles. In your own example you use lambda once too since (define (name . args) . body) is the same as (define name (lambda args . body))

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