I have some similar unit tests in python. There are so similar that only one argument is changing.

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_typeA(self):

    def test_typeB(self):

    def test_typeC(self):


Obviously this is not very DRY, and if you have even 4-5 different options the code is going to be very repetitive

Now I could do something like this

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    BAR_TYPES = (

    def _foo_test(self, bar_type):

    def test_foo_bar_type(self):
        for bar_type in BAR_TYPES:

Which works, however when an exception gets raised, how will I know whether _foo_test failed with argument TYPE_A, TYPE_B or TYPE_C ?

Perhaps there is a better way of structuring these very similar tests?

  • 1
    it's OK to be repetitive in tests if it keeps them simple and understandable. You don't want to write tests for your tests do you? Aug 25, 2015 at 8:40
  • Ive read that in a few places that being repetitive in tests is OK. But then its all just python code. The above example is obviously trivial. Sometimes I might have 5 different systems tests in just one test suite for one bar_type and each test could run to 10 lines. So thats 50 lines of code that now has to be copied and pasted X number of times for X number of bar_type's. Then I have to go and edit each 'bar_type` reference by hand. Any any time I add another 'bar_type` i now have to go and copy and paste for hundreds of test just so I can cover another condition. Definitely not DRY.
    – lukeaus
    Aug 25, 2015 at 21:13

2 Answers 2


What are you trying to do is essentially a parameterized test. This feature isn't included in standard django or python unittest modules, but a number of libs provide it: nose-parameterized, py.test, ddt

My favorite so far is ddt: it resembles NUnit-JUnit style parameterized tests most, pretty lightweight, don't get in your way and does not require dedicated test runner (like nose-parameterized do). The way it can help you is that it modifies test name to include all parameters, so you would clearly see which test case failed by looking at a test name.

With ddt your example would look like this:

import ddt

class TestProcessCreateAgencyOfferAndDispatch(TestCase):

    @ddt.data(TYPE_A, TYPE_B, TYPE_C)
    def test_foo_bar_type(self, type):

In such case names will look like test_foo_bar_type__TYPE_A (technically, it constructs it something like [test_name]__[repr(parameter_1)]__[repr(parameter_2)]).

As a bonus, it is much cleaner (no helper method), and you get three methods instead of one. The advantage here is that you can test various code paths in a method and get one test case per each path (but a certain amount of thinking is needed, sometimes it's better to have a dedicated test for some of code paths)

  • ddt definitely worked. Although I found nose-parameterized is a bit easier for passing in parameters already defined in a tuple. Thanks John.
    – lukeaus
    Aug 26, 2015 at 4:17
  • @luke_aus you're welcome. With ddt you can pass parameters defined in a tuple with @data(*PARAMETERS_TUPLE) (note asterisk).
    – J0HN
    Aug 26, 2015 at 8:51

Most TestCase assertion methods, including assertTrue, take an optional msg argument.

If you change your BAR_TYPES tuple to include the variable names, then you can include this in the message that is shown when the assertion fails.

class TestProcessCreateAgencyOfferAndDispatch(TestCase):
    BAR_TYPES = (
        ('TYPE_A', TYPE_A),
        ('TYPE_B', TYPE_B),
        ('TYPE_C', TYPE_C),

    def _foo_test(self, var_name, bar_type):
        self.assertTrue(foo(bar=bar_type), var_name)

    def test_foo_bar_type(self):
        for (var_name, bar_type) in BAR_TYPES:
            _foo_test(bar=bar_type), var_name=var_name)
  • Good idea. The issue for me is that if something fails inside the foo function before the self.assertTrue call then you don't know which bar_type test caused it, you just get an error test_foo_bar_type failed
    – lukeaus
    Aug 25, 2015 at 8:51
  • Good point. Including var_name means you can debug quicker by adding print(var_name) once a test fails, but I agree it's not ideal.
    – Alasdair
    Aug 25, 2015 at 9:36

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