My main goal is that I have this expression in a uri-rewriter:

<request uri="^/(.+)/name=(.+)$" endpoint="/endpoint.xqy">
   <uri-param name="level">$1</uri-param>
   <uri-param name="name">$2</uri-param>

which reads uris of the form .../level/name= __

but I want to replace the slash before the name with a question mark to read the following form .../level?name= __

I want to treat the question mark as literal in the uri. I saw that special characters in a regex can be escaped with a " \ "

But it does not work on question marks or ampersand ... It works on + or . Which is weird. Can anyone please help?

1 Answer 1


The ? character can be surely escaped using \ in RegEx but I am not sure about the MarkLogic. Maybe because it is defining uri endpoints, it is not taking uri parameters into consideration.


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