I was using the default lessMiddleware setup whereby the compiled .css files are stored in the same folder as their source .less files.

I then switched to using separate folders for my css and less files an d since then the my .less files are not being compiled into .css anymore (basically the paths are all wrong now - check out the debug log at the bottom). What am I doing wrong ?

folder structure :

  • .....
  • public
    • styles
      • css
      • less
  • .....
  • app.js

app.js :

app.use(lessMiddleware(__dirname + '/public/styles/less', {
    force: true,
    dest: __dirname + '/public/styles/css',
    debug: true

app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/public"));

app.get('/', function(req, res, next) 

index.ejs :

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/css/animations.css"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/css/global.css"/>

Less Debug log :

  pathname : /styles/css/animations.css
  source : /Users/mothership/testapp/public/styles/less/styles/css/animations.less
  destination : /Users/mothership/testapp/public/styles/css/styles/css/animations.css
  pathname : /styles/css/global.css
  source : /Users/mothership/testapp/public/styles/less/styles/css/global.less
  destination : /Users/mothership/testapp/public/styles/css/styles/css/global.css

1 Answer 1


Turns out the solution is the following (maybe there's a cleaner one but I couldn't find it) :

app.use(lessMiddleware(__dirname + '/public/styles/less', {
    force: true,
    dest: __dirname + '/public',
    debug: true,
    preprocess: {
        path: function(pathname, req) {
          return pathname.replace(/styles\/css\//, '');

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