I have a question about the c++ initializer list.

I have a class with const structs that need to be initialized in the initializer list, because they're const. This works perfectly this way:

    : ble_class_evt_handlers(   {{ble_class_system_evt_handlers,7},
                                } ),
      ble_class_rsp_handlers(   {{ble_class_system_rsp_handlers,18},
                                }  )


The cpp header file contains this:

const struct ble_class_handler_t ble_class_evt_handlers[ble_cls_last];
const struct ble_class_handler_t ble_class_rsp_handlers[ble_cls_last];

Now my question is: Is there any possible way to move the init functions to another file, which i refer to in the initializer list of the bglib class? For example, the init list calls a method that initializes the arrays (i know its not possible to call methods from the init list but just to make clear what i want to do)

Reason for this is that i need to initialize a whole lot more arrays like this, and i think its ugly to have an initializer lists that contains hundreds of lines of code.

PS. I know its ugly to use const arrays this way in c++, but i'm including a C library into a C++ project, and i dont have time to completely rewrite the C library.

Thanks in advance!

  • 1
    Probably you can include a header, which #define your lists. Sep 17, 2015 at 12:40
  • What compiler are you using? I can't get this code compiled: 'bglib::ble_class_evt_handlers': array initialization requires a brace-enclosed initializer list Sep 17, 2015 at 13:26
  • I'm using MSVC10 under Qt.
    – Jan Roorda
    Sep 17, 2015 at 13:30

1 Answer 1


Have you (would you) consider the following:

#include  "ble_class_evt_handlers_init.inc"
#include  "ble_class_system_rsp_handlers_init.inc"

or perhaps

bglib::bglib() : 
#include "bglib_init.inc"
  • I have tried that, but unfortunately it does not work.
    – Jan Roorda
    Sep 18, 2015 at 7:09

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