I have a class named webserviceCall.

This is my class structure :

Constructor --->

Initiate webservice clients and DB handler class and some properties :

public function __construct()

    $this->username = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['username'];
    $this->password = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['password'];
    $this->api      = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['api'];

    $this->loginClient = new SoapClient(NULL, array(
          'location' => "http://domain.com/webservice/kks/server.php",
          'uri'      => "urn://test/webservice") );

    $this->booksClient = new SoapClient(null, array(
          'location' => "http://domain.com/webservice/kks/books.php",
          'uri'      => "urn://test/webservice"

    $this->shopClient  = new SoapClient(null, array(
          'location' => "http://domain.com/webservice/kks/newShop.php",
          'uri'      => "urn://test/webservice/shop"
        ) );

    $this->db = new dbHandler($GLOBALS['DBVAR']['dbn'], $GLOBALS['DBVAR']['usn'], $GLOBALS['DBVAR']['psw']);

    $this->param = self::freshLogin( $this->username, $this->password, $this->api);


And there's a method for check Login, based on webservice needs:

protected function freshLogin($username, $password, $api)
    $currentInfo = $this->db->simple_search('webservice');

    $token = ( ($currentInfo[0]['token'] != '')  ? $currentInfo[0]['token'] : false );

    if( $token == false )
        $token = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('authenticate', array($currentInfo[0]['username'], $currentInfo[0]['password'], $currentInfo[0]['api']) );

        //update token in table
        $updateToken = $this->db->update_single('webservice', 'token', $token, true, 'api', $api);

        return $token . '||' . $api;
    }//token is empty - first login

        $checkToken = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('checkToken', array($token, $api) );

        if( isset($checkToken) && $checkToken > 0 )
            return $token . '||' . $api;   
        }//if token is valid

            $token = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('authenticate', array($currentInfo[0]['username'], $currentInfo[0]['password'], $currentInfo[0]['api']) );

            //update token in table
            $updateToken = $this->db->update_single('webservice', 'token', $token, true, 'api', $api);

            return $token . '||' . $api;   
        }//authenticate again, save token and create param value

    }//token exists
}//function freshLogin

And finally, there's a method for transact webservice :

public function getBooks()
    return $this->booksClient->__soapCall('getAllBooks', array($this->param) );    
}//function getAllBooks

When I check getBooks() function with getAllBooks method, it seems the browser is waiting for the response, and there's no result. This is error:

Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\ketabTheme\PHP\classes\webserviceCall.php on line 114

But When I check exactly the same request in another file, out of a class, it's OK. Besides, when I call another method of webservice inside getBooks method, again everything is fine.

Would you please help me to find out what's wrong here?

Note : getBooks method should have an array with 1935 index in result.

UPDATE : When I check this request in another file outside a class, this is the request-response timeline :

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


When you say "But When I check exactly the same request in another file, out of a class, it's OK.", how long does it take?

You should try increasing the max_execution_time in the php.ini file or by setting: ini_set('max_exeution_time', 60 /*seconds*/) in your PHP script?

  • Thanks for your guide. It seems you're on the right point. because I did limit the result to 10, and it's fine, but I set max_execution_time to 1800, and I didn't get any result after half an hour. Do you know, what's wrong and what should I change to fix this situation?
    – Kiyarash
    Oct 3, 2015 at 3:09
  • It depends on your code, you have to target the code that slows it all by using the least code you can to the whole code .... Oct 3, 2015 at 6:53

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