I am experimenting with 2 functions that emulate the zip built-in in Python 2.x and 3.x. The first one returns a list (as in Python 2.x) and the second one is a generator function which returns one piece of its result set at a time (as in Python 3.x):

def myzip_2x(*seqs):
    its = [iter(seq) for seq in seqs]
    res = []
    while True:
            res.append(tuple([next(it) for it in its]))   # Or use generator expression?
            # res.append(tuple(next(it) for it in its))
        except StopIteration:
    return res

def myzip_3x(*seqs):
    its = [iter(seq) for seq in seqs]
    while True:
            yield tuple([next(it) for it in its])         # Or use generator expression?
            # yield tuple(next(it) for it in its)
        except StopIteration:

print(myzip_2x('abc', 'xyz123'))                   
print(list(myzip_3x([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [7, 8, 9])))

This works well and gives the expected output of the zip built-in:

[('a', 'x'), ('b', 'y'), ('c', 'z')]
[(1, 7), (2, 8), (3, 9)]

Then I thought about replacing the list comprehension within the tuple() calls with its (almost) equivalent generator expression, by deleting the square brackets [] (why create a temporary list using the comprehension when the generator should be fine for the iterable expected by tuple(), right?)

However, this causes Python to hang. If the execution is not terminated using Ctrl C (in IDLE on Windows), it will eventually stop after several minutes with an (expected) MemoryError exception.

Debugging the code (using PyScripter for example) revealed that the StopIteration exception is never raised when the generator expression is used. The first example call above to myzip_2x() keeps on adding empty tuples to res, while the second example call to myzip_3x() yields the tuples (1, 7), (2, 8), (3, 9), (4,), (5,), (), (), (), ....

Am I missing something?

And a final note: the same hanging behaviour appears if its becomes a generator (using its = (iter(seq) for seq in seqs)) in the first line of each function (when list comprehensions are used in the tuple() call).


Thanks @Blckknght for the explanation, you were right. This message gives more details on what is happening using a similar example to the generator function above. In conclusion, using generator expressions like so only works in Python 3.5+ and it requires the from __future__ import generator_stop statement at the top of the file and changing StopIteration with RuntimeError above (again, when using generator expressions instead of list comprehensions).

Edit 2:

As for the final note above: if its becomes a generator (using its = (iter(seq) for seq in seqs)) it will support just one iteration - because generators are one-shot iterators. Therefore it is exhausted the first time the while loop is run and on subsequent loops only empty tuples are obtained.

4 Answers 4


The behavior you're seeing is a bug. It stems from the fact that a StopIteration exception bubbling out of a generator is indistinguishable from the generator exiting normally. This means you can't wrap a loop on a generator with a try and except and look for StopIteration to break you out of the loop, as the loop logic will consume the exception.

PEP 479 proposes a fix for the issue, by changing the language to make an uncaught StopIteration inside a generator turn into a RuntimeError before bubbling up. This will allow your code to work (with a small tweak to the type of exception you catch).

The PEP has been implemented in Python 3.5, but to preserve backwards compatibility, the changed behavior is only available if you request it by putting from __future__ import generator_stop at the top of your files. The new behavior will be enabled by default in Python 3.7 (Python 3.6 will default to the old behavior, but it may issue a warning if the situation comes up).


The below is a guess based on the runtime behavior of these codes, not Python language reference or the reference implementation.

The expression tuple(next(it) for it in its) is equivalent to tuple(generator) where generator = (next(it) for it in its). The tuple constructor is conceptually equivalent to the below codes:

def __init__(self, generator):
    for element in generator:

Because the for statement catches any StopIteration as a sign of exhaustion, when the generator raises StopIteration because next(it) raises it, the for statement will simply catch it and think that the generator is exhausted. This is why the loop never ends, and empty tuples are appended: the exception never bubbles up the tuple constructor.

The list comprehension, [next(it) for it in its], on the other hand, are conceptually equivalent to

result = []
for it in its:

So the StopIteration is not caught by the for statement.

This example shows an interesting nontrivial difference between literal comprehension and the constructor call with a generator expression. The same will happen if one uses list(next(it) for it in its vs [next(it) for it in its].

  • I could confirm your guess by running codes outside of any loop or function. Oct 5, 2015 at 8:22

I'm not really sure about it, but it looks like you have nested generators and outer one catches StopIteration raised by inner.

Consider this example:

def gen(its):
    for it in its:
        yield next(it)  # raises StopIteration

tuple(gen(its))  # doesn't raises StopIteration

It does something equal to what your version does.


When you do:

tuple([next(it) for it in its])

you are first creating a list, then passing it to tuple(). If the list cannot be created because StopIteration is raised, then the list is not created and the exception is propagated.

But when you do:

tuple(next(it) for it in its)

you are constructing a generator and passing it directly to tuple(). The tuple constructor will use the generator as an iterator: i.e., will peek items until StopIteration is raised.

That is, StopIteration is caught by tuple(), and is not propagated.

A generator that immediately raises StopIteration is converted to an empty tuple.

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