I know a similar question like this exists here:

CSS3 Element with Opacity:0 (invisible) responds to mouse events

but this question is different.

I'm trying to implement a hamburger navigation menu for mobile devices using jQuery, CSS as mentioned here: Demo.

This mostly works but there's a catch. In the above demo, they are hiding a navigation div which has been fixed to the top (top:0;left:0) by setting opacity:0. While in the above demo this works perfectly, when I implement it, the hidden div responds to clicks and navigates away from the page.

I'm not understanding how this has been disabled in the above demo (double checked the css / js files but no clue). Does anybody else have an idea? I can't really put up a fiddle since I'm trying this in SharePoint and in the fiddle it works. i just need to understand how they've disabled the click events even when using opacity:0 so I can replicate it. Thanks.

  • 4
    Generally it’s done with visibility:hidden;. Oct 10, 2015 at 12:23
  • @Xufox I'm aware of that but in the demo, they've achieved this just by using opacity:0. I checked the css for margin / padding changes but couldnt find them.
    – Akhoy
    Oct 10, 2015 at 12:25
  • 2
    you could set pointer-events: none to the div element?? Oct 10, 2015 at 12:28
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    @FarzadYZ pointer-events will do the trick but it is not a cross-browser solution. I'd rather go with visibility: hidden as @Xufox suggested. Oct 10, 2015 at 12:31
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    @Akhoy I guess the z-index trick solved the click-able area problem for them. The nav element is z-index:0, and the contentLayer is z-index:5, it means that to the user mouse events, the first priority would be the contentLayer part. Oct 10, 2015 at 12:36

2 Answers 2


There are (at least) two things you can do. You could use display: none; or visibility: hidden; instead of opacity: 0;, or you could prevent the menu item being clickable using the preventDefault function in jQuery.

preventDefault would work like this:

  if ($(this).css('opacity')==0) e.preventDefault();

Credits to Popnoodles for the code above (Hide clickable links inside div when opacity is 0)

EDIT: I might have misunderstood you're question, since I am now making the hamburger icon unclickable, while I think you ment that the navigation menu needs to be made unclickable, right?

That should work like this:

  if ($(nav).css('opacity')==0) e.preventDefault();

Add class nav-link to the links in your nav menu.

  • Thanks for this. Trying to find out how they did it in the demo instead of like this.
    – Akhoy
    Oct 10, 2015 at 12:46
  • Ok. I've checked the sourcecode of the demo but I can't tell how they do it. What I do know is that using display: none; or visibility: hidden; would be a much cleaner way to do it.
    – Sanderfish
    Oct 10, 2015 at 12:58

The implementation they used was to use z-index property in order to change the layer of access users mouse will refer to. Meaning that the element with lower z-index would be in down layer of elements with higher z-index. note that default value for z-index is 1. Just give nav element the z-index:-1; and the content Layer z-index:1 or higher to achieve proper react.


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