I am trying to create a custom tag and have the cursor set between opening tag and closing tag. Something like this: [youtube]{cursor_here}[/youtube].

I have something like this so far:

            var selectedText = editor.getSelection().getNative(); 
            if(selectedText === null ){
                //ToDo: add youtube tag with cursor positioned in the middle
            } else {
                var openTag = '[youtube]';
                var closeTag = '[/youtube]<br />';
                editor.insertHtml(openTag + selectedText + closeTag);

I also tried the approach with editor.insertElement but I couldn't get it solved out with custom tags.

The idea behind this is to have the user ready to paste a link (like a youtube link) after he pressed a custom button that inserts the tag. Without external dialogs.

1 Answer 1


Found a solution using this post

Looks like this:

            var sel = editor.getSelection();
            var ranges = sel.getRanges();
            var inserted = ranges[0].startContainer.getNext();
            ranges[0].setStart(inserted, 9);
            ranges[0].setEnd(inserted, 9);

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