I wish to program a click event in a "Main Information" form that will open up to 17 other forms based on values selected in a multiple-answer look-up field combo control (corresponding to a numeric ID field/text string categories related via an independent, separate table) housed within that "Main Information" form.

I have learned this is the general code:

 Private Sub DiagCat_AfterUpdate()
   Select Case DiagCat
     Case "Cancer [140-208]"
       DoCmd.OpenForm (Cancer_Form)
     Case "Heart Disease [393-398, 402, 410-429]"
       DoCmd.OpenForm (Heart_Disease_Form)
     Case "Stroke [430-438]"
      DoCmd.OpenForm (Stroke_Form)
     Case "Diabetes [250]"
      DoCmd.OpenForm (Diabetes_Form)
     Case "Hypertension [401]"
      DoCmd.OpenForm (Hypertension_Form)
    Case "Liver Disease [070, 571-573]"
      DoCmd.OpenForm (Elevated_Cholesterol_Form)
   End Select
 End Sub

VBA issues a "Type Mismatch" error 13 now; the error executes on the 'Case "Cancer [140-208]"' line.

Thank you. Any assistance greatly appreciated.

  • You would be wise to tell us which line of the code triggers the error. This could be the culprit: DoCmd.OpenForm (Cancer_Form) What is Cancer_Form? OpenForm needs the form name as a string value, so I'll guess Cancer_Form is the name of a form and you should use: DoCmd.OpenForm "Cancer_Form" Parentheses not required.
    – HansUp
    Oct 14, 2015 at 17:13
  • Add Option Explicit to your code module's Declarations section. Then run Debug->Compile from the VB Editor's main menu. Fix anything the compiler complains about, and repeat compile/fix until no more compile errors.
    – HansUp
    Oct 14, 2015 at 17:18
  • Thank you so much HansUp! I will try this. If there is no underscore in the Form title, should it be "Cancer Form"?
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 17:22
  • Yes, I think so. Double-check the form name in the Navigation pane. However it's displayed there, put the matching text between the quotes here: DoCmd.OpenForm "<form Name>"
    – HansUp
    Oct 14, 2015 at 17:25
  • Unfortunately, after I add "Option Explicit", and correct all the form names after the DoCmd's, I still receive a type 13 mismatch error on the line 'Case "Cancer [140-208]"'- unsure what I am doing incorrectly. Thanks for all your help anyway.
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 17:29

1 Answer 1


The Select Case keyword is what you need to select an action based on multiple values of a field.

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click() 'where cmdOpen is the button control clicked to open the forms
      Select Case cmbDxCatsID 'assuming cmbDxCatsID is the name of the combobox control on the form
      Case 1
      Case 2
      End Select
End Sub
  • Thank you so much! Very grateful!
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 14:11
  • Woops- new to StackOverflow- I clicked the check- I think that accepts it. Thanks again!
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 14:53
  • So unfortunately, even though I think this is the right way to go about this, I am still getting errors. The specific combo box that is used to generate the "select case" DoCmds is actually a drop-down box that uses SQL to generate LookUp values from another independent table. I was trying to have the cases be specific text strings of the categories able to be chosen, but Access/VBA keeps telling me there is a "Type Mismatch"; is there anyway to referenced the table/field/values of the table each look-up value refers to? Am I doing this completely wrong?
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 16:52
  • I also tried moving the "click event" from an independent button to the very drop down combo box control itself, to Open Forms on the After Update event:
    – JRNewm
    Oct 14, 2015 at 16:53

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