I am using linq to sql , and I return a queryable result from linq to sql :

var qry = from p in table select p;

Then I use this to bind to a xtragrid:

GridControl.DataSource = qry;

Then If I edit the records in xtraGrid, I just need to call dataContext.submitChanges() to submit the changes back to database.

My question is :

Am I possible to just add new records into the qry result, and after that I only need to call dataContext.submitChanges(), then linq can create new records on database automatically ?

Is that possible ? Can someone point me the right direction ? Thanks in advance !

  • If you would already put the data dynamically into the query and afterwards give this query to your DataGrid. How should your Grid know that there are any changes to submit?
    – Oliver
    Jul 23, 2010 at 10:06

2 Answers 2


Shot answer would be no. You need to call the Add method on the table property on your context.

Something like this:

var qry = from p in myDataContext.Table select p;

GridControl.DataSource = qry;

myDataContext.Table.Add(newRecord); // This is how to add new recrod


Read more here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/05/19/using-linq-to-sql-part-1.aspx


You are aware that if you use a LinqDataSource instead of giving a query to your Grid's DataSource property, SubmitChanges, Add, Delete & friends will be called automatically for you, right? If you need to display a subset of the table, you can still override the LinqDataSource's Selecting event to feed it your own query.

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