I'm trying to get cookies from my Chrome extension when the app is loading:

chrome.cookies.getAll({ "url": config.cookie.cookieUrl }, function (cookies) {
            if (callback) callback(cookies);

Sometimes I get the error:

Error during cookies.getAll: No accessible cookie store found for the current execution context.

These posts didn't help me:

  1. Stackoverflow discussion

  2. Google discussion

  • So the issue happens only during the first seconds when Chrome is starting up?
    – wOxxOm
    Oct 22, 2015 at 9:12

1 Answer 1


I recently stumbled upon this issue as well and it looks like it's far from being resolved by the chromium project: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=113994

The solution I found to work is checking first if there's a cookie store available:

    function isCookieStoreAvailable() {
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            chrome.cookies.getAllCookieStores(function (cookieStores) {                
                if (cookieStores.length) {
                } else {

Then retrying several times until it becomes available.

Another thing I did was to reload the extension after 10 seconds of retrying but that's only as a last resort:


Hope this helps.

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