I have the following case class with a companion object:

case class A(boo:String)
object A{
 def foo(x:a) = ...

And I have the following type alias in my package object:

type NewA = A

I want all the method in A companion object to be in the companion object of NewA. I know one way to do it but it's not nice:

object NewA{
  val instance = A

is there any way to write it in a better way?

2 Answers 2


Simply add a val to your package object that references A:

package object your_package {
  type NewA = A
  val NewA = A

Then you can use NewA from your_package just like you would use A:

import your_package.NewA

  • It works in most contexts but there is no implicit scope in val NewA
    – tribbloid
    Feb 4, 2019 at 20:32

You could use implicit conversions to convert NewA into A

implicit convertNewA2A(newA: NewA.type) = A


Alternatively, you could factor the methods of A out into a trait from which both companion objects extend.

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