I am trying to create a function in R that acts the same way as the "Reclassify" node in SPSS modeler. The function below has 3 arguments but it doesn't seem to be working and I'm not sure why.

column <- iris$Species
list.of.names <- c("setosa","versicolor")
new.name <- "some flowers"

reclassify <- function(column, list.of.names, new.name){
  new.name.vec <- rep(new.name, length(list.of.names))
  column <- mapvalues(column, from = list.of.names, to = new.name.vec)

Why doesn't this change the two factor names to "some flowers" ?

  • 1
    Because of scope.. You need to assign column to the function result, i.e. column <- reclassify(column, list.of.names, new.name) Nov 22, 2015 at 5:10
  • That makes sense. It works now. Thanks!
    – Warner
    Nov 22, 2015 at 5:18


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