I'm trying to call repeatThis n times while incrementing myArr[i] on each iteration. Putting a loop inside the function before the last bracket will blow up the browser call stack. Also can't put a function within a loop without getting errors.

Functionally, I want it to flip through jpegs so it looks like a movie.

 function repeatThis () {
        $(myArr[i]).fadeIn(100, function(){
            $(myArr[i]).fadeOut(100, function(){

2 Answers 2


Use each!! So the syntax looks like

$.each(myArr, function( index, value ) {
  $(myArr[index]).fadeIn(100, function(){
    $(myArr[index]).fadeOut(100, function(){

This should work, unless there is something else in your code messing up your array.


Try passing i as a function parameter:

function repeatThis(i) {

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