I need to edit old-styled T-SQL code.

  • What does =* mean?

  • What does *= mean?

I think, that they are JOIN, but I don't know, what JOIN type is each of them.

  • Those are outer joins
    – user330315
    Nov 28, 2015 at 9:15
  • And what is difference between of them?
    – Arthur
    Nov 28, 2015 at 9:16
  • 3
    One is a left join the other a right join. See the manual for details msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
    – user330315
    Nov 28, 2015 at 9:18

1 Answer 1


I found answer!

-- Example 1: Deprecated syntax for an inner join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] T2, [dbo].[Table1] T1 
WHERE [T1].[ID] = [T2].[ID]

-- Example 2: Current syntax for an inner join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] AS T2
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Table1] as T1
ON [T2].[ID] = [T1].[ID]

-- Example 3: Deprecated syntax for a left outer join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] T2, [dbo].[Table1] T1 
WHERE [T1].[ID] *= [T2].[ID]

-- Example 4: Fixed syntax for a left outer join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] AS T2
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Table1] as T1
ON [T2].[ID] = [T2].[ID]

-- Example 5: Deprecated syntax for a right outer join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] T2, [dbo].[Table1] T1 
WHERE [T1].[ID] =* [T2].[ID]

-- Example 6: Fixed syntax for a right outer join
SELECT [T2].[c3], [T1].[c3] 
FROM [dbo].[Table2] AS T2
RIGHT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Table1] as T1
ON [T2].[ID] = [T2].[ID]


  • 3
    There are obvious typos here: [T2].[ID] = [T2].[ID]. MSDN is not perfect. Nov 28, 2015 at 11:17

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