i've been trying to display a view controller when I tap on a pin annotation of my map View: The first time I used a container view and change his position in order to "hide" it. Than, when I tap on an annotation I used the func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView){} to move the position of the view controller that I want to display to the center of my screen. Unfortunately I wasn't able to close the view controller because when I tried to use the function dismissViewController.... It dismiss all the view controllers of my app. So I trie to move the position of the view controller that I want to display a when the user touch the close button, it works only one time, if I tap on an other annotation, the view controller won't show up. I can't do with segue because the annotation aren't shown in the main.storyboard To resume, my question is: How can I display a second View Controller by touching an annotation on my map.

1 Answer 1


I tried the function performseguewithidentifier on following method:

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view:  MKAnnotationView){
    // do your things here

and it worked fine.

  • This answer saved me at least couple of hours. Thanks.
    – viral
    Oct 7, 2016 at 11:26

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