I'm trying to submit a form with jquery from plugin With multiple submits, but i can't get the value from the $_POST['aggInf'] in php, i can get it in js.

My form:

<form action="#" method="post" id="gestioneProfilo">

My inputs:

<input name="aggInf" type="submit" value="Upload" class="upload"> <input name="aggInfAnn" type="submit" value="Annulla" id="cancel">

If i try onsubmit='alert($(this).serialize()); return false;' on the from i always get this in return:

alert error

On the js side i used this solution and it works fine, if i try a console.log() command i get the correct value. If i try a var_dump() command i only get all the other input and textboxes values. How do i fix this?

Full form html:

    <form action="#" method="post" id="gestioneProfilo">

        <!-- Scelta avatar -->
        <div id="sceltaAvatar">

            <!-- Profilo -->
            <div id="perAvatar">
                <h1>Scelta dell'Avatar</h1>
                <p>Carica dal tuo pc o dal web una tua immagine di profilo</p>
                <!-- <input type="hidden" name="immP"> -->

            <!-- Copertina -->
            <div id="perCopertina">
                <h1>Scelta della copertina</h1>
                <p>Carica dal tuo pc o dal web una tua immagine di copertina</p>
                <!-- <input type="hidden" name="immC"> -->

            <!-- Info generali -->
            <div id="altreInfo">

                    <!-- informazioni -->
                    <textarea placeholder="Cosa fai nella vita? Scrivi una breve descrizione su di te" name="bio" id="bio"><?php get_stuff('bio', TRUE, TRUE) ?></textarea>
                <div id="due">

                        <!-- Sito -->
                        <textarea placeholder="Il tuo sito" name="sito" id="sito"><?php get_stuff('sito', TRUE, TRUE) ?></textarea>

                        <!-- Posizione -->
                        <textarea placeholder="Da dove vieni?" name="pos" id="pos"><?php get_stuff('pos', TRUE, TRUE) ?></textarea>

            <!-- Torna indietro -->
            <input name="aggInf" type="submit" value="Upload" class="upload">
            <input name="aggInfAnn" type="submit" value="Annulla" id="cancel">
    <?php include_once 'lightbox.php' ?>


$('#gestioneProfilo').submit(function(e) {

        val = $("input[type=submit][clicked=true]").val(),
        pop = $(this);

    // it works, if i press upload it prints upload, if i press annulla it prints annulla

    if (val == "Upload") {
            type: 'POST',
            url: "lib/ajax.php",
            dataType: "json",
            data: pop.serialize(),
            success: function(data){
        cambiaA("#perCommentare", "#gestioneProfilo", "ritorna");

$(document).on('click', '#gestioneProfilo input[type=submit]', function() {
    $(this).attr("clicked", "true");


if (isset($_POST['aggInf'])) {


    $return_data['immP'] = get_stuff('immP');
    $return_data['immC'] = get_stuff('immC');
    $return_data['bio']  = get_stuff('bio');
    $return_data['sito'] = get_stuff('sito', FALSE, TRUE);
    $return_data['pos']  = get_stuff('pos');
    echo json_encode($return_data);
  • 1
    Show your full HTML please. Especially the full <form> tag. Jan 5, 2016 at 15:24
  • 2
    probably because the submit doesn't hold the name attribute for it. Error reporting php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php will tell you if it is or not. <input name="aggInfAnn" type="submit" value="Annulla" id="cancel"> should read as <input name="aggInfAnn" type="submit" value="Annulla" id="cancel" name="submit"> or whatever input it's supposed to be (only you know that). In a nutshell, there is no name="submit" anywhere in your "posted" code. Jan 5, 2016 at 15:25
  • And also, it is better to use <input type="hidden"> instead. Jan 5, 2016 at 15:26
  • That's not how $_POST works in PHP - ideally you need to supply a PHP script to the forms action event and the elements need to have a name value for the post method to pick up the values. Jan 5, 2016 at 15:27
  • "but i can't get the value from the $_POST['submit'] in php" - there is nothing in your (now edited) question to support your question. Jan 5, 2016 at 15:34


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