I have strings that are in the format:

X=Foo, Y=Bar, Z=Qux

However, sometimes only the X=...Y=... parts are there, not the Z=... part, e.g:

X=Foo, Y=Bar

And also can capture commas within values, like:

X=Foo, bar, Y=Bar, Z=Qux

How can I write a regex to capture Foo, Bar, and Qux (just placeholders for this example) if present?

I've come up with this so far:

X=(.*), Y=(.*)           # Works when Z is not present
X=(.*), Y=(.*), Z=(.*)   # Works when Z is present

But I'm having trouble writing a single regex to match both cases. I also tried something like this:

X=(.*), Y=(.*)(, Z=(.*))?

I thought that by grouping the ,Z=(.*) in its own group followed by a ? it would treat the whole group as optional, but it still seems to group the Z= as part of the captured part from the Y=.


1 Answer 1


You were very close - you're capturing it, but in group 4, due to the new group you introduced to make the last part optional.

Change the introduced group to a non-capturing group:

X=(.*?), Y=(.*?)(?:, Z=(.*))?$

I also fixed your capture to reluctant (instead of .*, which is greedy and consumes the entire rest of input).

See live demo.

  • I don't want to use \w because the values may contain other characters, including commas. Are you able to revise your answer?
    – Joseph
    Jan 12, 2016 at 0:51
  • sure. is a comma-then-space a suitable separator then?
    – Bohemian
    Jan 12, 2016 at 0:52
  • 1
    Hmm, I can't be certain right now. Is it possible to write a regex that could capture, for example, both: X=foo, bar, Y=baz, Z=qux (catpure foo, bar, baz, and qux) and X=foo, Y=bar (capture foo and bar) ?
    – Joseph
    Jan 12, 2016 at 0:55
  • @Joseph I have fixed the regex to match "anything"
    – Bohemian
    Jan 12, 2016 at 1:22

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