I am new to shell scripting. Let me know how to write script for below senario.

A file named file1.txt contains some batch execution details and last 2 lines will contains success or failure of the job for the current date. Now I need to search the word success and followed by current date is there or not in last 2 lines of the file. if success with current date then set a variable $f1 with value 1 else 0. how can it do it?

sample last 2 lines of a file:


1 Answer 1


Quietly grep the last 2 lines of file1.txt for the current date.

tail -n 2 file1.txt | grep -q "success|$(date "+%d/%m/%Y")"

Set f1 depending on whether grep found the pattern (return code of the last executed command in $?):

if $?   ## could replace this with the pipe line above

That last one is weird. You could probably negate the value in $? some way, but in more general terms, success in bash is 0, not 1. (The other way around to how it's in C, C++, Java etc.)

So, if you go with that semantic for f1, things become easier:


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