I'm having trouble with a for loop in a simple piece of code in R...

So I have a data frame with a bunch of precipitation data, with a bunch of "stations" (1-75) in rows and across in columns is values per month. I created a vector (which I called "Jan")of precipitation values for just the Jan column, so it looks something like this (I've put in random values for the purpose of this post) :

1   10
2   5
3   15
75  5

I want to use a "for" loop with "if" to return the highest value of this vector. However, the code I have below seems to just go through each value in the vector and always just returns the last value of then entire thing (i.e. in row 75, would return "5"). I know it's something in my "if" loop that isn't letting me actually text the values of the vector, rather it's testing the "row number" value. Any advice??

highest_ppt<- function(v) {
 output<-v[i] #c(0,length(v))
  for (i in 2:length(v)){
    if (v[i] > (v[i-1])){
      output <- (v[i])

max_ppt <- highest_ppt(Jan)

Thank you!

  • 2
    I don't understand what you are trying to achieve. Isn't which.max function enough?
    – user3710546
    Jan 27, 2016 at 6:12

1 Answer 1


A for loop is the wrong approach here, but if you insist:

Max <- -Inf
for (i in seq_along(v)){
  if (v[i] > Max)
    Max <- v[i]

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