The following website is a good example of a crawlable AJAX website (HTML5 + CSS3 + AJAX) using history.pushState():


(for background see https://moz.com/blog/create-crawlable-link-friendly-ajax-websites-using-pushstate)

However, this website assumes that the dynamic content can be rendered server side at page load. For example, if you land directly on http://html5.gingerhost.com/seattle, the content related to Seattle is not loaded through AJAX, it's already in the page.

Let's assume that the content can only be loaded through AJAX calls. How can I make such a website crawlable ?

My specific goal is to make this website crawlable: http://code-exercises.com/programming/

At the moment, all programming exercises are loaded through AJAX. I would like to have programming/easy/exercise-number-one.

My website is served by an NGINX instance that serves static content and forwards all AJAX request to a Tomcat instance.

  • "Let's assume that the content can only be loaded through AJAX calls. How can I make such a website crawlable ?" — Poorly. And that's a false assumption, which usually comes down to not wanting to make the effort.
    – Quentin
    Mar 13, 2016 at 17:24
  • "I would consider solutions to render the content … server side." contradicts "Let's assume that the content can only be loaded through AJAX calls."
    – Quentin
    Mar 13, 2016 at 17:25
  • @Quentin currently my content is only available through RESTful calls, I would consider solutions to render this content server side but I don't know how to do it. I would consider solution to render the content both server and client side.
    – kms333
    Mar 13, 2016 at 17:27
  • Pick a server side programming language. Replicate the work of the client side code.
    – Quentin
    Mar 13, 2016 at 17:28
  • @Quentin I see your point, but I still would like to use AJAX for performance reasons, similar to what's been done on html5.gingerhost.com
    – kms333
    Mar 13, 2016 at 17:29

2 Answers 2


Option 1: The Easy One, use prerender.io

Option 2: in your app build process include a Phantom.js to make static versions of your pages

Option 3: if you use Angular, you can migrate to angular2, or other framework with server-side rendering


Take a look at how to make a angular app crawlable.

Basically, you will have to have a cached version of the page with the data loaded that will be served to web crawlers.

https://prerender.io/ this is an example of it.

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