Some of my categories have parent categories, and some don't. What I need is a way to show only categories without parent, and child categories.

So for instance I have

Cat 1
Cat 2 
Cat 3
 - Cat 3.1
 - Cat 3.2
Cat 4
Cat 5

And my post has Cat 1, Cat 3and Cat 3.1 on it (permalink reasons - I need to set the parent category as well). With this:

$categories = get_the_category();
foreach ($categories as $category_one) {
    $category_out[] ='<a class="' .$category_one->slug.'" href="'.esc_url( get_category_link( $category_one->term_id ) ).'">' .$category_one->name.'</a>';
$category_out = implode( '', $category_out);

I will get out in my $category_out Cat 1, Cat 3 and Cat 3.1. And I don't wan't Cat 3 to be in the list.

I tried with

$categories = get_the_category();
foreach ($categories as $category_one) {
    if ($category_one->category_parent != 0) {
        $category_out[] ='<a class="' .$category_one->slug.'" href="'.esc_url( get_category_link( $category_one->term_id ) ).'">' .$category_one->name.'</a>'
$category_out = implode( '', $category_out);

But this shows only Cat 3.1 since, technically, Cat 1-5 are all parent categories to themselves.

Is there a way to show only subcategories of existing parent category and other non parent-child related categories in a category list?


1 Answer 1


you can use get_term_children to achieve this !

The loop :

foreach ($categories as $category_one) {
    if (empty(get_term_children($category_one->term_id,$category_one->taxonomy))){
    $category_out[] ='<a class="' .$category_one->slug.'" href="'.esc_url( get_category_link( $category_one->term_id ) ).'">' .$category_one->name.'</a>';

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