I want to offer Oracle JDK on my repository server as depedency for my other packages. According to the Oracle License, to be able to redistribute the software, a user has to agree to the license before downloading. Now I found already a few questions like this here, but either they said it's not possible or I shall not do it or if, then I would need to build a shell script around it.

But at least for the rpm installers, I found examples like this

sudo apt-get install curl --assume-yes


zypper patch --auto-agree-with-licenses

So I guess there must be a way to integrate it in RPM, at least to show it before installing. Or is the way to go really a shell script around and these installer tools will just throw a yes on whatever comes up?

  • Possible duplicate of Adding License Agreement in RPM package Mar 24, 2016 at 8:58
  • Yes, I saw that question/Answer as well, but it still does not answer my question. Because the apt-get and zypper rpm install tools have a auto-agree flags. So it must be considered by them, that there are license agreement inside a rpm that demand a respsonse by a user. Mar 24, 2016 at 9:36
  • The description for apt-get suggests that it's used only for agreeing about things that the tool controls (such as accepting gpg keys). It's not an rpm tool anyway. For zypper, the documentation is a start, but reading the source-rpms would tell you what it does. Mar 24, 2016 at 20:59

1 Answer 1


export ACCEPT_EULA='y' && rpm -ivh msodbcsql17-

If in a Dockerfile, then

RUN export ACCEPT_EULA='y' && rpm -ivh msodbcsql17-

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