Based on this: How to extend ontology with other standard ontologies in Protégé?, I am really worried on how to import geosparql in an ontology I just created.

I think that importing geosparql means to import this to my ontology in Protege: http://schemas.opengis.net/geosparql/1.0/geosparql_vocab_all.rdf

My ontology is Saved As RDF/XML syntax and the file that contains it has a .owl extension.

How to safely import geosparql in my ontology (Protege 5.0.0 beta)?

1 Answer 1


Both .rdf and .owl are acceptable extensions for OWL ontologies saved as RDF/XML.

If your ontology imports the geosparql ontology, the extension is not important - what's important is that Protege can find an ontology whose ontology IRI is http://schemas.opengis.net/geosparql/1.0/geosparql_vocab_all.rdf.

This can happen in multiple ways: Protege might remember that a local file it has parsed before contains this ontology (the file name is not relevant - this is called IRI redirection or IRI mapping), or it will attempt to download the ontology taking the ontology IRI as a document URL.

In this case, the only constraint is that the ontology IRI is a resolvable URL.


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