I'm writing a lexer/scanner for the first time, and have run into a problem splitting the input-string. Example:

val result = "func add(Num x, Num y) = x+y;".split(???) 
result == Array("func", "add", "(", "Num", "x", ",", "Num", "y", ")", "=", "x", "+", "y", ";")

But the problem is that I can't simply split on whitespace characters, doing so wouldn't separate add from ( for example.

Any help with this?

  • Don't speak scala ;), so I can't tell you how to handle the empty entries, but splitting on \s|\b - adding word boundry - should do it. See regex101 sample
    – SamWhan
    Mar 29, 2016 at 13:45
  • 1
    @ClasG that did the trick, if you post it as an answer I'll accept it
    – Saveyy
    Mar 29, 2016 at 13:49

2 Answers 2


This will give you a bunch of empty items that your EE will have to handle, but adding word boundry - \b - should do it.

Check example at regex101.

I.e. ...split('\s|\b') (or /\s|\b/).


  • If I'm not wrong this will add spaces in the result which I think is not the expected Mar 29, 2016 at 15:27

Look into http://www.scala-lang.org/api/rc/index.html#scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers

Here is an unfinished example:

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers

trait Element

case class Function(name: String,
                    params:Map[String, String],
                    expression:Seq[String]) extends Element

case class Class(name: String,
                 params: Map[String,String],
                 body: Seq[String]) extends Element

object LanguageParser extends RegexParsers {

  val name: Parser[String] = ".*".r

  val `type`: Parser[String] = ???

  val parameters: Parser[Map[String,String]] = "(" ~> (`type` ~ name).* <~")" ^^ {
    case t => (t map {
      case a ~ b => a -> b

  val expression: Parser[Seq[String]] = ???

  val function: Parser[Function] =
    "func " ~> name ~ parameters ~ "="~ expression ^^ {
      case name ~  params ~ _ ~ expr => Function(name, params, expr)
  val `class`: Parser[Class] =
    "class " ~> name ~ parameters ~ "{" ~ expression ~ "}" ^^ {
      case name ~  params ~ _ ~ expr ~_ => Class(name, params, expr)

  val topLevelParsers: Parser[Seq[Element]] =
    function |
      `class` |
      value |

  def parse(s: String): Seq[Element] = parseAll(topLevelParsers, s.trim) getOrElse
    (throw newIllegalArgumentException("Could not parse the given string: " + s.trim))

  def parseAll(s: String):Seq[Element] =
    s split ";" flatMap parse


  • For now the \b|\s is sufficient. but i fear i might have to rewrite the code i have, and learn about the regex parser to achieve a more reliable solution. Thanks for your reply !
    – Saveyy
    Mar 29, 2016 at 14:16
  • You'll save time learning it straight away. I didn't the first time because I was lazy, I had to rewrite everything and keep saying why I didn't know about this before.
    – Joan
    Mar 29, 2016 at 14:41

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