I am using a regex to display a tooltip when the user's pattern doesn`t match desired pattern.

The RULES are:

  1. Must match 1 to 10 digits or less. Ex: 1234567890 or 0 or 123... . 0 digits is empty. Not allowed.
  2. Must match max 10 digits or less and a dot. Ex: 1234567890. or 12. or 1. or 0.
  3. Must match max 10 digits or less and a dot. and 1 or 2 digits after dot. Ex: 1.1 or 1234.23 or 1234567890.1 or 1234567890.12 OR .1 OR .21
  4. Only . is not allowed.

So far I have this pattern ^\d{0,8}?(\.)?(\d{1,2})?$ Link but I can not realize how to match all conditions at once.

This pattern can not match 1234567890.12 (it should). And it is matching the dot alone .(should not). Some post I found do not solve the issue link.

What am I missing?

The complete function



                   //var objectEvent=$(this);
                   var objectId=$(this).attr("id");
                   var objectEvent=$("#"+objectId);

                          var ck_input = /^\d+$/;
                          var msg="Oops! Only numbers 1-9 are allowed";
                          var extraVal ="0";
                   else if(objectId=="txt_SalesYTD"||objectId=="txt_PrevSales"){//alert(objectId);
                          //var ck_input = /^\d{0,10}((\.\d{1,2})?|(?<=\d)\.)$/;
                          var ck_input = /^(?!\.$)\d{0,10}(?:\.(?:\d\d?)?)?$/;
                          var msg="Enter a valid value. Ex: 123.35";
                          var extraVal ="";
                   var input = $.trim(objectEvent.val());
                   var validationTest =ck_input.test(input);   
                   //QTY field Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   if(!validationTest||input===extraVal){//If not match ck_input
                         //alert("algo errado"+input);                                                        
                                 objectEvent.val('');//Clear input field
                                 setTimeout( function(){ 
                                   }  , 2500 ); //Wait 2,5 seconds     
                   else{//If validation match ck_input


                   }//End of else if(!validationTest||input==='0'){
             }//Fim keyUp
    });//End of $('.validation').bind({

2 Answers 2


You need to change the first rage to {0,10} and put the dot and second numbers in same capture group with an optional dot that must be precede by a digit:


See demo: https://regex101.com/r/jG3uK7/4

  • Hi Kasramvd your pattern is not matching .1 and .12
    – IgorAlves
    May 19, 2016 at 18:46

You can use this


Regex Demo

  • Hi Rock, Rule 3. Your patter is not matching .1 and .12
    – IgorAlves
    May 19, 2016 at 18:47
  • @zwitterion see modified regex
    – rock321987
    May 19, 2016 at 18:49
  • Hi Rock your patter is matching the dot. Rule 4. Not allowed. Kasramvd found the good pattern
    – IgorAlves
    May 19, 2016 at 18:57
  • @zwitterion see the updated regex..i think it should suffice all condition now
    – rock321987
    May 19, 2016 at 19:00
  • @zwitterion alternation takes more step..this solution will be more efficient than accepted one
    – rock321987
    May 19, 2016 at 19:20

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