I am not a great regex specialist, but I know here are some ...

Here's the challenge:

1.) Use-Case: I want to convert strings into arrays using the PHP function parse_str().

To help make "input" better readeable, I want to allow for spaces, tabs and newlines (whitespaces) wherever posible. That shall be "cleaned" out, if NOT in a value or in a key-name.

As whitespaces should be allowed in the data itself (and maybe WITHIN keys), I cannot just strip all whitespaces before parse_str() ...

Of course I could iterate the array after parse_str and use trim() for the keys and values, but I hope that a preg_replace would do that more efficient (and therefor faster)?

2.) Search: Now, I search for a regex (to be used in PHP's preg_replace ) that eliminates: 2a.) all whitespace between the last non-whitespace char and the "&" which defines "next pair" 2b.) all whitespaces between "&" and the next non-whitespace char 2c.) all whitespace before and after "="

Is that possible? And: Did I overlook something?

Thanks in advance

  • 1
    Did I overlook something? - Sample inputs, expected outputs, and what you have tried and what is not working. Jun 2, 2016 at 10:24
  • We are not here to solve problems or write code for people. What have you tried so far, and what exactly do you need help with? Jun 2, 2016 at 10:27
  • 1
    @SverriM.Olsen Actually that's exactly why I'm here. That, however, doesn't mean that I/we don't need the info you and Wiktor asks for ;)
    – SamWhan
    Jun 2, 2016 at 10:34
  • Really, it can be \s*(=)\s*|(\S)\s+(&)|(&)\s+(\S) -> $1$2$3$4$5, or \s*(=)\s*|(?<=\S)\s+(?=&)|(?<=&)\s+(?=\S) -> $1, etc... We do not have the data, only you have it, and until we can test our suggestions, your question is just unclear. Jun 2, 2016 at 10:36
  • ok. sorry I did not add examples, thought that my question was clear enough. Some examples: A_B_C = tx charfollowed &G= charfollowed & U=xyz &O=rrr shall go into: A_B_C = tx charfollowed&G= charfollowed&U=xyz&O=rrr
    – jwka
    Jun 2, 2016 at 14:17


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