
I am trying to replace a string which does not have any foreign characters in it with the string that has foreign keys in it.

If I do as I show in the following code:

$str= str_replace($original, utf8_encode($replace), $str);


$str= utf8_encode(str_replace($original, $replace, $str));

I get Fédération for Fédération

Any idea how to make str_replace or preg_replace to work with this situation?

1 Answer 1


This problem is happening because you are utf8_encoding a string that is already in UTF-8 format.

Try to use this one:

$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($str));

This will find the current string format and encode it correctly.

PS: This way will prevent you to get your string buggy, then you can use the str_replace correctly.


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