I'm using Excel 2016 to access a DDE server (Rockwell Software's RSLinx Classic.) The DDE server is working correctly/can be accessed from other applications. The problem is trying to access it from Excel.

This is what is in my cell: =RSLinx|PS9TOPIC1!'N7:0'

The PS9TPIC1 topic is set up (and works) in RSLinx. RSLinx is up and running. But I get:

Remote data not accessible... Start application RSLINX.EXE?

Clicking Yes gets:

Cannot run 'RSLINX.EXE'. The program or one of its components is missing or corrupted

The program runs fine. I have ensured that RSLinx.exe is on the PATH (Double-checked the PATH for the running Excel using Task Manager.) It doesn't matter whether I have RSLinx running before starting Excel or have Excel try to launch it.

No, the option to "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange" is not checked for this document.

I tried running both RSLinx and Excel as "Administrator" with the same result.

2 Answers 2


Bringing up the help for data connections shows this: Note: In an earlier version of Excel, you might have used Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) in combination with the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard in Word. Excel no longer supports DDE. If you'd like us to consider this feature for the next version of Excel, drop us a comment in the Excel Suggestion Box.

Try using an older Excel license.


I had the same problem, i already solved it. Just go to your project in the kepserver, open properties, and make sure enable the DDE conection to your server... Just that in my case. Good luck.. enter image description here

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