i've tried to translate one of GXT widgets - Grid (exacly context menu in column header with sorting etc.) into Polish language but i cant find place to inject my translation. In some other widget (PagingToolBar) is method setMessages(...) but i cant find it in Grid

So im asking you about place where i can set text that will be displayed in that menu.

Does anyone done this before ?

PS. Sorry for my english.

2 Answers 2


Take a look at this:


and put <extend-property name="locale" values="pl_PL"/> in your module.gwt.xml and <meta name='gwt:property' content='locale=pl_PL'> in your index.html.

This (imho) should be the right way.

P.S. I'm not sure, if the pl_PL is right:)


...and Javadoc about gxt XMessages (message for sort asc) and google for "Missing in the Tutorial GXT and I18N inurl:sencha" (sorry i'm not allowed to post more than one link here)

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