alt text

The above UIActionSheet is thinner than the normal one. I took the screenshot from Safari when I try to bookmark some website.

Mine or the default UIActionSheet in iPad looks like the following. It is thicker than the one in Safari, especially the border.

alt text

How can I make my own UIActionSheet look like the one in Safari? Do I need to do any particular customisation or I can use some kinds of parameters for UIActionSheet?


  • Use showFromBarButtonItem method as Evan says but also set title and cancel button to nil.
    – user467105
    Oct 25, 2010 at 17:19
  • @aBitObvious, i don't mean where this UIActionSheet shows, I mean how can I make it thinner like the safari one, i mean the border thinner
    – Jack
    Oct 25, 2010 at 19:10

1 Answer 1


The instance method:




On iPad, it will display the UIActionSheet inside a Popover.


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